Apr 19
Earth Day Block Cleanup

May 17

Jun 14

Jul 12

Jul 26
Block Party

Aug 16

Sep 13
Block Projects

Oct 04
Block Projects

Inspiration, innovation, transformation

Building bridges in the central city

For Bridge Builders, community development means getting our hands dirty in the soil of a neighborhood.

We inspire inner-city innovation that will holistically transform neighborhoods one block at a time.

It all starts on the block

We’re tackling Milwaukee’s struggles from the bottom-up. Our plan partners residents with local governments, businesses, foundations, churches and community groups.

We connect people living on the block with people giving to the block.


Unify neighbors through targeted property rehabilitation and new construction assistance.


Hold absentee landlords accountable for crime and blight at their properties.


Purchase, renovate and use available properties as resources for block residents.


Increase cross-cultural understanding between those living on the block and those giving to the block.


Empower residents for self-sustainable transformation.


Steward economic resources to stabilize the block and stimulate redevelopment.

Working toward urban renewal

We’ve been working on revitalization projects since 2017. We’ve found partners from as far away as Ohio and as close as down the street. From code enforcement to streetscape improvement to community gardens we’re building bridges from the inside-out.

Central City Blocks


Completed Projects


Join us behind the scenes or on the streets

Your help is the key to our success

Whether it’s social media, plumbing, legal counsel, drywalling, fundraising or landscaping – we have lots of ways you can donate your time. We work with individuals, large groups, teens and adults. No matter who you are, from expert to beginner, there’s a place for you here with Bridge Builders.

With our new Reclaim the Block campaign, your help is needed more than ever. Join with us as we seek to reclaim and renovate 20 homes in our target area.